Sunday 30 August 2009

The Return of Right Democrat

Right Democrat and Mainstream Populist Democrats are both up and running again, even if mostly as routes to rightdemocrat on Twitter, which in turn links to articles of interest. How is that easier than maintaining a blog? Still, davidaslindsay is now on Twitter, too.


  1. Maybe he has been reading Wikipedia.

  2. One entry reads:

    "The British commentator and political activist, David Lindsay, regularly uses many online media, including The American Conservative, to advocate the emergence and election of economically populist, morally and socially conservative, foreign policy realist candidates in several countries, including as Democrats in the United States. He is actively encouraging paleoconservatives to register as Democrats in order to make common cause with those in that party who share their views on a number of issues."

    Another entry reads:

    "Contrarian Leftists such as Eugene Genovese, Christopher Lasch and Paul Piccone also influenced the movement. This tradition is continued today by the British commentator and political activist, David Lindsay."

    Both with footnotes linking to this blog. Both put up from an IP address in the States during the last couple of days. That means both put up since Wikipedia became edited instead of something anyone could change.

  3. In your words (which I wouldn't normally allow up) on another thread, bloody hell.

    Clearly, *someone* over there reads Post-Right.

  4. Ho ho ho ho! WOnderful news. David has a new alter ego!

  5. What, who's been in America in the last two or three days?

    Mark, meanwhile, has commented here before. I know exactly who he is.

  6. Stuff by you has been removed from one of those entries in the past. Now not only almost exactly what you said then is up, but also this. You are have become known and influential and they have to respect that. No wonder people the bitter old likes of hannah are so pissed off.

  7. Amazing, they really do believe that the maximum number of people in the world that could possibly disagree with them is one.

  8. Can we please do something about the language? I don't want to have to reject otherwise good comments because of it.

    Would that it were "amazing", James. Still, it is not only amusing, but also rather touching, to read a Clinton-Bush Era throwback like Hannah. Can it really be less than a year since these people were running things, and had been doing so since 1992? It seems like for ever.

    Mercifully, they are now out. Really for ever.

  9. This on Wiki, RD and MPD back up, they know they're beat.

  10. You should move over here. You could start again without all those private school, Oxbridge guys and the ones you went to school/college with.
