Tuesday 20 October 2009


Good luck to UKIP with the Electoral Commission. Only doing its job, of course. Probably worked out that half the UKIP electorate was Old Labour or (especially in the West Country) Old Liberal. And noticed the serious chance of unseating an old Monday Club Speaker being given a clear run by the old Stalinists and Trots. We can't have that sort of challenge to "the centre ground". Can we...?

1 comment:

  1. Have I missed something
    Is Bercow being challenged by a UKIP candidate. Although challeging the Speaker is deemed bad manners, I am totally in favour of it.
    Perhaps I am an advocate of bad manners.
    Much as I admire Bercow, I hope the other voters (who would be otherwise disenfranchised) vote UKIP.
    I know that UKIP is absolutely ounter to what I actually believe but strategically I want UKIP to do well.
