Thursday 18 February 2010


Coming up with titles for posts on the Ordinariate story is becoming increasingly arduous.

Anyway, a warm welcome to Paul Richardson, formerly Anglican Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, and before that a diocesan bishop first in Australia and then in Papua New Guinea, who has been received into the Catholic Church. He is excellent in every way, and a use must be found for him (he is still only in his early sixties) without delay. He says that he will not be joining any Ordinariate, which is a pity, because if there ever were to be one in England, then he would be the ideal Ordinary. Having said that, it says a lot that he won't be joining.

Look out for Papua New Guinea as a potential Ordinariate, especially if they see it work well in the Torres Strait. As there, it would not be a clique or a faction. It would be all of them.

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