Thursday 25 April 2013

Best Placed To Plan

My MP, being a frontbencher, may not sign Early Day Motions. But get yours to join her two closest backbench associates as signatories to EDM 1160:

That this House believes that Britain's energy industry should be returned to public ownership; considers that the privatised energy companies, now over 50 per cent foreign-owned, have not served the national interest or consumers well, such that the country now faces a potential energy crisis with a looming energy gap; further believes that the major energy companies have exercised a powerful and malign influence over Government energy policy focusing on large-scale energy production and energy sales to maximise profits rather than investment in energy conservation and renewables; notes the high and rising prices of energy, with increasing fuel poverty for millions of consumers; and is convinced that a publicly-owned and publicly accountable national energy corporation incorporating the grid as an integral component would be best placed to plan for and serve Britain's vital long-term energy needs both in national economic and social terms, with cross-subsidies where necessary and appropriate and any financial surpluses returned to the public purse and providing secure and well paid employment for all energy sector workers.

Already, the list of signatories stretches far beyond the Labour Left, all the way to Sir Gerald Kaufman. It is the opponents of public ownership who are doctrinaire and irrational, as well as opposed to national and parliamentary sovereignty, to the Union, and to the necessary economic basis of paternal authority. The list of those who have signed up makes it clear that every word of it is compatible with the strongest possible support for the restoration of King Coal. George Galloway has signed, while the other non-Labour signature, so far, is that of Mike Hancock, against whom ancient, and hardly exceptional, gossip is being revived in an attempt to force out one of the most left-leaning and Coalition-sceptical of Lib Dem MPs. UKIP is already crowing about Portsmouth South as another triumphant second place. Read that last sentence over again.

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