Thursday 25 July 2013

A Change In The Climate?

The BBC is under pressure for supposedly giving airtime to those who are critical of hysteria about climate change.

If those critics are neither Lord Donoughue, nor Lord Barnett, nor Graham Stringer MP, then the BBC is not trying.

Except falsely to redefine the debate, as it has so successfully done on the EU over the last 20 years.


  1. Andrew Neil gave a brilliant, and devastating interview with Ed Davies.

    Took him apart.

    The most hilarious moment was when he quoted a study which had since been disowned by its own author.

    As P. Hitchens says, Neil is easily their most talented broadcaster.

    Who else do they have who virtually single-handedly launched a successful four-channel network and edited a paper of the grandeur of the Times for 11 years?

    If he hadn't committed the crime of being Right-wing, the BBC would have long since given him a proper show to present.

  2. Who is Ed Davies?

    Andrew Neil has never been Editor of The Times.

    I could go on.
