Tuesday 25 February 2014

Dear Kamm

He seems to be at it again. So, for avoidance of any doubt, the following was sent to the warmongering, hedgefund-trading non-journalist (see this site's links) on 5th of this month:

Dear Kamm,

I delete your emails unopened, and I should therefore delete unopened any reply to this email.

But in view of the title of the latest one ("Durham"), I suggest that you visit https://www.dur.ac.uk/directory/, type in Lindsay, and see the first result that comes up.

Try using the contact form. It works. I do have a University email address, but I suspect that your activities are the reason why the University no longer gives it out. Otherwise, I should just tell you to use that. It works, too.

For some years, it worked even though I was not in the Online Directory, so even if I were not there, then that would not mean that I was not here. It did not in the past, and it would not in the future.

Then again, I am quite busy enough on that account without you. Indeed, I am quite busy enough in general without you. Hence my lack of a staff profile: I honestly would not have the time to write one. Whereas you obviously have all the time in the world.

My latest staff card in valid until 30th November 2017, so you could always try harassing people here about me again in three and a half years' time.

But, not for the first time, you would be wasting the time that you obviously have in abundance, unlike the rest of us. I have been a feature of the life of this University for many years. I shall be a feature of the life of this University for many, many, many more years yet.

I realise that you struggle to comprehend this, but not everything or everyone in the world is obedient to Oliver Kamm. Get over it.

David Lindsay

I now realise that my University email address, the same as it has been since 30th September 1997, is accessible from a University computer. You can tell when I am working at one of those, since the shade of blue is different when I link to other sites in the course of posts on here.

1 comment:

  1. You are on the University Directory and have a staff card as a member of a college's staff whether the mere Principal likes it or not, it seems. I don't know why you are so opposed to the centralisation programme, it means your mates will have your back against here today gone tomorrow Heads of House even more than they have now.
