Friday 30 May 2014

Caught In The Hoops

Yes, Joey Barton won Question Time.
But it remains impossible to imagine that anyone with his record who was not a footballer would even be allowed in the audience, never mind on the panel.
And the main point remains that he has never been elected to anything in his life. If, as is long-overdue, the BBC wants working-class voices, then it ought to start with very many of that huge majority of MPs which is never, ever, ever allowed on television.
Barton will probably now be on Piers Morgan's Life Stories, though. Will David Dimbleby?


  1. Have you seen Tim Stanley's take on this? The most foppish, dandyish thing I have ever read, all about "blue collar" types who can be spotted because they drink in pubs. He too is oblivious to the scores of "blue collar" MPs.

  2. Scores of blue collar MP's?

    Give me a break. If they were, they wouldn't be in any of the "dandyish" Liberal Elite parties.

    Theresa May today says age wants to cut EU immigration in response to UKIP.

    Good luck with that one. Viviane Reding said "absolute freedom of movement is non- negotiable for EU member states".

    It's pretty clear. Anyone who votes Labour, Lib Dem or Tory is voting for "non- negotiable" open borders.

    Why anyone still voted for them I don't know.

  3. There are scores of blue collar MPs, if we must use such a term. You need to spend less time at dandyish parties.

  4. The silly boy must be relying on the BBC.

  5. David I wanted to hear your voice. So I went over to and took a look at some of the reviews for your books.

    I'm sorry David.

  6. Oh, they are all written by the same sad, mad person. Sales are healthy enough for what I write.
