Monday 29 September 2014

Uncivil and Antisocial

I am rather surprised that there ever was a Minister for Civil Society.

After four years of this lot, what civil society?

Then again, there is also a Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.


  1. Exactly.

    He told charities to stick to knitting. After this mob's tax policies, what charities?

  2. Notice that, if David Lindsay ever tried thinking, he'd have wondered how it can be (if his ideology is right) that we had a thriving vast civil society in the Victorian era, that built many of our greatest hospitals, schools, inventions and landmarks, reduced drunkenness and iniquity and bequeathed a legacy we still live on today. In an era when we had virtually no public provision, no welfare state and no health service.

    Compare that with today's civil society now the state has taken over everything.

    But of course the Left never lets facts get in the way of its ideology.

    1. Encyclopaedic, dear boy. Not once read some book by Simon Heffer.
