Tuesday 25 November 2014

How Much Must Women Change Themselves?

"The hormonal impacts of taking contraceptive medication for years on end are neither properly understood nor reported," says Holly Grigg-Spall.

We have long since decided that femaleness, simply in itself, was a medicable condition requiring the pumping of women's and girls' bodies full of highly poisonous substances in order to stop those bodies from doing what they do naturally.

That is the very opposite of medicine.

And it is being done in order to make women and girls permanently available for the sexual gratification of men and boys.

But we now seem to have decided to treat maleness in the same way, and to get in even younger than we did with femaleness.

The prescription of drugs to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder increased by more than 50 per cent in the six years to August 2013.

Mostly for having been born boys, half a million or more British children are now drugged up to their eyeballs with Ritalin and such like as "treatment" for ADHD and various other nonexistent conditions.


  1. "And it is being done in order to make women and girls permanently available for the sexual gratification of men and boys."

    No it isn't.

    You talk like there's some sort of state agency forcing women to take contraceptive pills, rather than women choosing to use them or not, which is what actually happens.

    1. Oh, it is far more insidious than a State agency.

  2. You're a weirdo and a freak. I feel truly sorry for you. I am reporting your website to multiple law enforcement agencies in Britain in hopes they will find you and shut you down before you go on a killing spree in a supermarket.

    1. I have never taken any illegal drug, which is what causes that kind of thing.

      Have you?

      "Find" me? I have been working for them since, I suspect, before you were born.
