Monday 16 November 2015

What We Are Doing

If you want a war against IS, then you want a war alongside Assad (and thus also Putin). And Iran. And Hezbollah.

Insofar as we are already at war against IS, then we are already at war alongside Assad (and thus also Putin). And Iran. And Hezbollah.

Jeremy Corbyn voted against that war, and thus against those alliances, which are already in operative existence.

I am not saying that such alliances are impossible. On the contrary, we are already in them.

But we did not only use Stalin and Mao to win the War. They used us, and they won it at least as much as we did.

We need to be absolutely clear what we are doing.


  1. Perfectly put. We need you in Parliament, we have needed you in Parliament for 10 years.

    1. I stood down from a Parish Council due to ill health, and my health has worsened in the two and half years since.

      In any case, the new seat here created by the boundary changes is effectively a merger of two all-women shortlist seats.
