Monday 11 December 2017

Gulf Strait Talking

We are all supposed to be terribly pleased that our self-appointed, thick-as-mince but nasty-as-hell Defence Secretary is selling 24 Eurofighter Typhoon jets to Qatar, which is already a constitutionally Wahhabi state even before the backsliding rulers are overthrown. When those jets are turned on us, then you will see that the bleeding hearts were right all along. Getting out of both the Gulf and the arms trade is nothing other than good strategic sense.

Meanwhile, from across the Gulf, back comes Boris Johnson, having proved exactly as useful as he has ever been. With Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's trial having been delayed, there is ample time for someone capable of doing the job to fly to Tehran and simply refuse to leave without her. It does not much matter who, with a sufficiently high profile, does this. Foreign policy hawks who fail to do it, as they all will just as they all applaud the arming of Qatar (never mind Saudi Arabia) to the teeth, are particularly worthy of contempt. But Jeremy Corbyn, over to you.

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