Wednesday 27 December 2017

Knights and Daze

The most notable thing about Nick Clegg's knighthood is that it is not a peerage. He has every intention of returning to the House of Commons.

Clegg is no less deserving of his K than have been numerous other people who have had it. Tuition fees? Is that all? Everything that the Coalition did, the Lib Dems did, from the Bedroom Tax to the war in Libya. One Conservative MP voted against that latter. But no Lib Dem did so. Not a single, solitary one. Tuition fees are the least of anyone's objections to them.

And yes, I did vote for Owen Temple this year. That I was prepared to do so indicates quite how repugnant was, and is, the Hard Right Labour machine in County Durham in general, and its treatment of the Teaching Assistants, of whom Owen was and is one of the two great champions, in particular.

Since then, North West Durham has become a three-way marginal seat, the voting figures being meaningless in the light of what the electorate now knows. That said, even before that knowledge had become general, the Conservative vote had already increased by more than 50 per cent. This seat is now anyone's for the taking.

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